
Bean Town Times

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Susan Fallon donates $1,000 to Stephen F. Lynch's campaign committee in June

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Susan Fallon donated $1,000 to Stephen F. Lynch during June, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Donations can be made to political candidates in various amounts. The FEC regulates these donations, and individual groups, excluding PACs, must disclose donations over $250 per year.

The following table lists all contributions donated to Stephen F. Lynch's campaign in June.

2021-06-04$300Thomas T. Hantakas Jr.
2021-06-07$200Richard J. Coe
2021-06-15$1,000Joseph F. Fallon
2021-06-15$1,000Michael J. Fallon
2021-06-15$1,000Susan Fallon
2021-06-21$100John H. Mcdonough
2021-06-22$2,900John J. Moriarty
2021-06-22$1,000Matthew Botein
2021-06-23$2,900Christopher W. Collins
2021-06-28$250John F. Heffernan