"Millions of federal student loan borrowers are facing a financial cliff on May 1. Its time for @POTUS to #CancelStudentDebt."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ayanna Pressley:
"Grateful to witness history in person today.Judge Jackson is a supremely qualified nominee & her confirmation is long overdue."Read on Twitter
"The lack of accessible, affordable & reliable public transit exacerbates the drastic economic disparities in #MA7.Grateful to join my sisters in service @MayorWu, @MayorKimJaney & @coach_leader to uplift the impact that fare-free buses are having on our students & community." on March 23Read on Twitter
"The Biden Administration is shipping FREE at-home COVID tests through a new website. To have 4 free test-kits delivered by mail, visit: covidtests.gov" on March 23Read on Twitter