Ayanna Pressley tweeted the following:
"Black & brown folks have been hardest hit by the War on Drugs and we must ensure they receive the financial rewards of our expanding cannabis industry."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ayanna Pressley:
"Wishing a Happy #Kwanzaa to everyone celebrating and honoring the seven principles:UnitySelf-DeterminationCollective ResponsibilityCooperative EconomicsPurposeCreativityFaithHow are you observing Kwanzaa this holiday season?" on Dec. 26Read on Twitter
"Legislative Highlight:After years of organizing to #CancelStudentDebt, @POTUS heeded our calls to do just that.Together, we made this victory possible and we wont stop fighting until our workers and families receive this critical relief." on Dec. 26Read on Twitter
"We knew that overturning Roe v. Wade would only exacerbate our maternal morbidity crisis.We must pass the Women's Health Protection Act, expand abortion access, and address these layered crises head-on before more lives are lost.nbcnews.com/health/health-" on Dec. 26Read on Twitter