
Bean Town Times

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Suffolk County enrolls mainly Hispanic or Latino students in 2022-23 school year

Webp patrick tutwiler

Patrick Tutwiler Massachusetts Secretary of Education | https://www.mass.gov/info-details/secretary-of-education#:~:text=As%20Massachusetts%20Secretary%20of%20Education,the%20University%20of%20Massachusetts%20system.

Patrick Tutwiler Massachusetts Secretary of Education | https://www.mass.gov/info-details/secretary-of-education#:~:text=As%20Massachusetts%20Secretary%20of%20Education,the%20University%20of%20Massachusetts%20system.

In the 2022-23 school year, Hispanic or Latino students were the most represented ethnicity in Suffolk County, according to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

There were 37,796 Hispanic or Latino students enrolled, making up 48.9% of the student body in Suffolk County.

The proportion of Hispanic or Latino students enrolled in the county rose over the year before.

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander students were the least represented ethnicity within the county.

The number of students attending the county’s schools in the 2022-23 school year grew to 77,293.

Students in Massachusetts are predominantly white, making up 53% of the student population in the state. Hispanic students come in second, representing over 25% of Massachusetts' student body.

However, across the state, Hispanic and Native American students suffered the highest high school dropout rates.

Underrepresentation is also found among educators in Massachusetts. The Rennie Center reported that only 9% of teachers are people of color.

Ethnic Diversity in Suffolk County Schools in 2022-23 School Year
Hispanic or Latino [48.9%]Black or African American [26.6%]White [15.4%]Asian [5.9%]Ethnicities <5% [3.2%]
Enrollment Demographics in Suffolk County Schools During 2022-23 School Year

SchoolHispanic or Latino Students EnrollmentTotal Enrollment in 2022-2023% of Total Enrollment
A Horace Mann Charter Public School19836454.4%
A. C. Whelan Elementary School41572357.4%
Abraham Lincoln School33460255.5%
Academy Of the Pacific Rim Charter Public School12446726.6%
Adams Elementary School18424973.9%
Alighieri Dante Montessori School5710852.8%
Another Course To College School11723050.9%
Arthur T. Cummings Elementary School8743120.2%
Baldwin Early Learning Pilot Academy5417231.4%
Bates Elementary School8327730.3%
Beachmont Veterans Memorial School18033653.6%
Beethoven Elementary School8926334.2%
Blackstone Elementary School34653764.6%
Boston Adult Tech Academy7112159.5%
Boston Arts Academy24149448.8%
Boston Collaborative High School9017850.6%
Boston Collegiate Charter School13669819.6%
Boston Community Leadership Academy34559857.7%
Boston Day and Evening Academy Charter School14932146.7%
Boston Green Academy Horace Mann Charter School20447642.9%
Boston International High School & Newcomers Academy29447262.3%
Boston Latin Academy4771,72327.7%
Boston Latin School3682,42315.2%
Boston Preparatory Charter Public School20769529.9%
Boston Renaissance Charter Public School34492237.4%
Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School11029937.1%
Bradley Elementary School13028945.3%
Bridge Boston Charter School8933426.9%
Brighton High School30653257.7%
Brooke Charter School8842,22339.8%
Burke High School15142036%
Carter School62626.9%
Channing Elementary School8518945%
Charlestown High School49779262.8%
Chelsea High School1,4371,61189.2%
Chelsea Opportunity Academy10911594.8%
Chelsea Virtual Learning Academy394785.1%
Chittick Elementary School7023230.6%
City on a Hill Charter Public School5518330.1%
CityLab Innovation High School609564.2%
Clap Elementary School4811044.5%
Clark Avenue School60367190%
Codman Academy Charter Public School8133624.4%
Community Academy165530.9%
Community Academy of Science and Health11434732.9%
Condon K-8 School28063544.1%
Conley Elementary School8116349.7%
Conservatory Lab Charter School19145442.1%
Curley K-8 School36593139.3%
Dearborn 6-12 STEM Academy19254135.5%
Dever Elementary School23437462.8%
Dudley Street Neighborhood Charter School9527834.2%
East Boston Early Education Center11818763.6%
East Boston High School1,0391,27681.5%
Edgar A Hooks Elementary School40949882.3%
Edison K-8 School35961858.1%
Eliot K-8 Innovation School11480914.1%
Ellis Elementary School19431861.3%
Ellison-Parks Early Education School7619139.8%
English High School37665157.8%
Eugene Wright Science and Technology Academy39145186.9%
Everett Elementary School9326934.6%
Excel Academy Charter School1,0721,36378.7%
Excel High School18143441.9%
Fenway High School23137761.5%
Frank M Sokolowski Elementary School43149587.1%
Frederick Pilot Middle School16832352.3%
Gardner Pilot Academy26038667.6%
Garfield Elementary School47168568.9%
Garfield Middle School34854663.9%
George F. Kelly Elementary School45247894.6%
Greater Egleston High School449048.9%
Greenwood Sarah K-8 School31737485%
Grew Elementary School9021242.5%
Guild Elementary School19825178.9%
Hale Elementary School5116930.2%
Haley Pilot School13037135.3%
Harvard-Kent Elementary School9934229.2%
Haynes Early Education Center8820343.8%
Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter Public School2311420.2%
Henderson K-12 Inclusion School Lower4818725.7%
Henderson K-12 Inclusion School Upper20366630.6%
Hennigan K-8 School32850964.6%
Hernandez K-8 School34642581.6%
Higginson Inclusion K0-2 School7512062.5%
Higginson-Lewis K-8 School10317758.2%
Holmes Elementary School10328037.1%
Horace Mann School for the Deaf Hard of Hearing347048.6%
Hurley K-8 School24935271%
Joseph A. Browne School43351184.9%
KIPP Academy Boston Charter School21257736.9%
Kennedy John F Elementary School20537554.9%
Kennedy Patrick J Elementary School23826490.5%
Kenny Elementary School8731627.8%
Kilmer K-8 School8339621.2%
King Elementary School17244239.1%
Lee Academy6318733.7%
Lee K-8 School18054133.3%
Lyndon K-8 School12358621%
Lyon High School5911650.9%
Lyon K-8 School4412635.7%
Madison Park Technical Vocational High School5851,08753.9%
Manning Elementary School3416021.3%
Margarita Muniz Academy29231493%
Mario Umana Academy53658192.3%
Mason Elementary School6518834.6%
Match Charter Public School5511,18646.5%
Mather Elementary School9748520%
Mattahunt Elementary School13548328%
McKay K-8 School58468185.8%
McKinley Schools6015838%
Mendell Elementary School9231229.5%
Mildred Avenue K-8 School19761831.9%
Mozart Elementary School3817621.6%
Murphy K-8 School14283617.1%
Neighborhood House Charter School22576629.5%
New Mission High School25261441.2%
O'Bryant School of Math & Science5501,56735.1%
O'Donnell Elementary School25028189.3%
Ohrenberger School17545139%
Orchard Gardens K-8 School29972441.3%
Otis Elementary School30541473.9%
Parlin School7841,01477.4%
Paul Revere School25945657%
Perkins Elementary School5415834.8%
Perry Elementary School2618214.3%
Philbrick Elementary School3711433.3%
Phoenix Academy Charter Public High School, Chelsea17720387.2%
Quincy Elementary School7373810%
Quincy Upper School11753022.1%
Revere High School1,3212,08463.4%
Roosevelt K-8 School13035536.9%
Roxbury Preparatory Charter School5251,29540.6%
Rumney Marsh Academy35156861.8%
Russell Elementary School19836354.8%
Shaw Elementary School6218733.2%
Shurtleff Early Childhood School71682387%
Snowden International High School26646357.5%
Staff Sargent James J. Hill Elementary School44564669%
Sumner Elementary School30053855.8%
Sumner G. Whittier School46863074.4%
Susan B. Anthony Middle School36755765.9%
Taylor Elementary School7035819.6%
TechBoston Academy28387132.6%
Tobin K-8 School26742662.7%
Trotter Elementary School10029734%
Tynan Elementary School6919735.5%
UP Academy Charter School of Boston9621345.5%
UP Academy Charter School of Dorchester26861543.6%
UP Academy Holland27463643.2%
Warren-Prescott K-8 School9952319.1%
Webster Extension School8417349.1%
West Zone Early Learning Center6011154.1%
William A Berkowitz Elementary School39045386.3%
William P. Gorman/Fort Banks Elementary School9849120%
Winship Elementary School12933838.2%
Winthrop Elementary School8223734.6%
Winthrop High School13159422.2%
Winthrop Middle School7442517.6%
Young Achievers K-8 School24948351.6%


East Boston Early Education CenterDudley Street Neighborhood Charter SchoolNeighborhood House Charter SchoolWest Zone Early Learning CenterPerkins Elementary SchoolLee K-8 SchoolCommunity Academy of Science and HealthBrighton High SchoolTechboston AcademyAbraham Lincoln SchoolBoston Latin SchoolHale Elementary SchoolChanning Elementary SchoolWilliam P. Gorman/Fort Banks Elementary SchoolEverett Elementary SchoolHenderson K-12 Inclusion School UpperWarren-Prescott K-8 SchoolExcel High SchoolManning Elementary SchoolSnowden International High SchoolJohn D. O'Bryant School of Math & ScienceRumney Marsh AcademyHaynes Early Education CenterBoston Collegiate Charter SchoolMatch Charter Public SchoolNew Mission High SchoolMason Elementary SchoolKennedy John F. Elementary SchoolMather Elementary SchoolJoseph A. Browne SchoolGreenwood Sarah K-8 SchoolMario Umana AcademyWinthrop Elementary SchoolEugene Wright Science And Technology AcademyBlackstone Elementary SchoolFrank M. Sokolowski Elementary SchoolUp Academy Charter School of DorchesterLee AcademyEast Boston High SchoolGarfield Middle SchoolLyndon K-8 SchoolParlin SchoolKenny Elementary SchoolLyon High SchoolKennedy Patrick J. Elementary SchoolBoston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot SchoolGarfield Elementary SchoolPerry Elementary SchoolMendell Elementary SchoolBrooke Charter SchoolBoston Adult Tech AcademyBoston Green Academy Horace Mann Charter SchoolMurphy K-8 SchoolA Horace Mann Charter Public SchoolAdams Elementary SchoolTobin K-8 SchoolRevere High SchoolSumner Elementary SchoolEdgar A. Hooks Elementary SchoolChittick Elementary SchoolYoung Achievers K-8 SchoolBoston Community Leadership AcademyGrew Elementary SchoolBeethoven Elementary SchoolStaff Sargent James J. Hill Elementary SchoolHorace Mann School for the Deaf Hard of HearingCity on a Hill Charter Public SchoolKilmer K-8 SchoolSusan B. Anthony Middle SchoolExcel Academy Charter SchoolAlighieri Dante Montessori SchoolDever Elementary SchoolHelen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter Public SchoolHennigan K-8 SchoolGreater Egleston High SchoolGuild Elementary SchoolKing Elementary SchoolCondon K-8 SchoolWebster School ExtensionHernandez K-8 SchoolChelsea Virtual Learning AcademyRussell Elementary SchoolCityLab Innovation High SchoolBaldwin Early Learning Pilot AcademyChelsea High SchoolBeachmont Veterans Memorial SchoolWinthrop Middle SchoolSumner G. Whittier SchoolHenderson K-12 Inclusion School LowerDearborn 6-12 STEM AcademyBridge Boston Charter SchoolBoston Renaissance Charter Public SchoolConservatory Lab Charter SchoolCurley K-8 SchoolEnglish High SchoolMadison Park Technical Vocational High SchoolHurley K-8 SchoolPhilbrick Elementary SchoolBurke High SchoolWinship Elementary SchoolOrchard Gardens K-8 SchoolBoston Preparatory Charter Public SchoolBoston Arts AcademyClark Avenue SchoolQuincy Upper SchoolCarter SchoolCharlestown High SchoolHaley Pilot SchoolMassachusetts State Board of EducationCommunity AcademyMcKay K-8 SchoolTrotter Elementary SchoolQuincy Elementary SchoolUP Academy Charter School of BostonPaul Revere SchoolOtis Elementary SchoolFrederick Pilot Middle SchoolHarvard-Kent Elementary SchoolBradley Elementary SchoolA. C. Whelan Elementary SchoolBoston Latin AcademyFenway High SchoolTaylor Elementary SchoolEllis Elementary SchoolOhrenberger SchoolMozart Elementary SchoolArthur T. Cummings Elementary SchoolEdison K-8 SchoolWilliam A. Berkowitz Elementary SchoolKIPP Academy Boston Charter SchoolEliot K-8 Innovation SchoolGardner Pilot AcademyUP Academy HollandShaw Elementary SchoolBoston Collaborative High SchoolMcKinley Schools SchoolMildred Avenue K-8 SchoolO'Donnell Elementary SchoolHigginson Inclusion K0-2 SchoolTynan Elementary SchoolBoston Day and Evening Academy Charter SchoolClap Elementary SchoolBates Elementary SchoolBoston International High School & Newcomers AcademyRoxbury Preparatory Charter SchoolMargarita Muniz AcademyWinthrop High SchoolEllison-Parks Early Education SchoolAnother Course To CollegeCodman Academy Charter Public SchoolPhoenix Academy Charter Public High School, ChelseaHolmes Elementary SchoolGeorge F. Kelly Elementary SchoolConley Elementary SchoolShurtleff Early Childhood SchoolChelsea Opportunity AcademyHigginson-Lewis K-8 SchoolMattahunt Elementary SchoolAcademy Of the Pacific Rim Charter Public SchoolRoosevelt K-8 SchoolLyon K-8 School


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